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Free shipping on orders over $99
Free shipping on orders over $99

FAQ new version

None of our current decoys are fully flocked, but Field Honkers have flocked heads and tails, as well as the Field Mallards zz

Yes, to an extent. Some care should be given to the decoys to ensure paint lasts longer, but paint should be fine when placed in decoy bags.

The cost of shipping charges currently prevent us from offering shipment outside of the continental United States. We hope to add this service soon.

Free shipping, (when available), only applies to the Continental United States. The cost of shipping charges prevents us from offering free shipment outside of the Continental United States.

Please contact our customer service team at

Put a washcloth or some type pad in the bottom of each slot in decoy bag so flocked tail is protected.

Put a tube/crew sock over each flocked head while in decoy bag for storage and travel if not detached.

If possible, detach flocked heads and keep in separate padded bag for storage and travel.

DO NOT stack flocked head and tail decoy bags on top of each other, this will knick and scratch the flocking!

If you must stack bags, place a cushioned pad between each bag to prevent rubbing and knicking and scratching of flocking while traveling and in storage.

DO NOT put the metal decoy stands in same bag with the decoys, this will knick and scratch the flocking!